The B20 ESC (Energy, Sustainability & Climate) Task Force held the 3rd ESC Task Force Online Meeting on Tuesday to discuss Policy Action that will be recommended at the upcoming G20, as noted in a release issued by PT Pertamina on Friday. The B20, or Business 20, is a G20 outreach group that represents the international business community.

The B20 ESG Task Force, led by Pertamina, the largest Energy SOE (State-Owned Enterprise) in Indonesia, and Pertamina President Director & CEO Nicke Widyawati, the ESC Task Force Chair, continues to update policy design and policy action, calling for efforts to maintain energy, sustainability and climate change mitigation.
The ESC Task Force Online Meeting was attended by around 140 participants including ESC Task Force Deputy Chair, Agung Wicaksono, ESC Task Force Policy Manager, Oki Muraza, 8 ESC Task Force Co-Chairs, as well as members from 19 industries and 25 countries.
Widyawati invited members of the Task Force to discuss policy design and to explore actionable policy initiatives. “To date, we have received more than 300 comments and inputs that are very constructive and helpful for us to drafting policy. Through the active involvement of all participants, I am confident that this task force will provide relevant and actionable policy recommendations to the G20 leaders.”.
She said that the meeting had gathered recommendations from the B20 Secretariat which would later be added to several new policy actions to be discussed in more depth to suit the focus and collective needs that represent the interests of the G20 Community as a whole.
“Let’s work together to create and deliver the legacy of Indonesia’s G20 presidency this year, both through policies and a series of side events on the real action of the task force, so that we can be fruitful and give the best to the G20,” said Widyawati.
Widyawati also expressed hope that the main objective of the ESC Task Force, ensuring an inclusive process in developing policy recommendations and actions, will be achieved through meetings and discussions.
Task Force Policy Manager Oki Muraza explained that there are currently 12 main policy action inputs, from 14 policy actions discussed in the previous call meeting.
Task Force Deputy Chair Agung Wicaksono explained that the Task Force was striving to develop partnerships and collaborations, develop technology to carry out capacity building in various countries, and increase values to attract investment and financing access.
“To achieve these goals, we invite the realization of a corporate agreement and pilot project in the country, and we targeted to have it completed in September or October 2022,” he said.
The B20 Secretariat offered green energy transition recommendations toward the G20 high-level meeting in Bali in November 2022. The recommendations included accelerating the transition to sustainable energy use, ensuring an adjustable and affordable transition, and welcoming global cooperation on enhancing energy security.
Contact: Fajriyah Usman, VP Corporate Communications, PT Pertamina (Persero)
M: +62 858 8330 8686, Email:, URL:
Written by: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga, Editor: Sri Haryati (c) ANTARA 2022